... | * DHARMALING Newsletter * | ... |
===== English version below =====
Dragi Darma prijatelji, lepo pozdravljeni! * PRAKSE * Mesečni koledar najdete na povezavi: http://www.dharmaling.org/forums/index.php?app=calendar Če ni navedeno drugače, so vsa učenja in prakse v Budističnem centru Dharmaling v Ljubljani, Pavšičeva 41. Meditacije in učenja so odprti za vse. Za očiščevalne prakse in prakse posameznih Bud je potrebno, da imate Zatočišče. Za Lama Čöpo je potrebno dovoljenje Predstojnika. - TOREK, 4. december - 18:00 - 19:00 = Meditacija - umirjenost uma (Vipassana & Shine) - ČETRTEK, 6. december - 18:00 - 18:30 = Meditacija - umirjenost uma (Vipassana & Shine) 18:30 - 19:00 = Praksa Čenreziga - SOBOTA, 8. december - 10:00 - 16:30 = Recitacija Srčne Sutre (za odstranjevanje ovir za aktivnosti Shenpena Rinpočeja) 17:00 - 18:30 = Lama Čopa & Tsog Kontakt: 040 125 512 Z najboljšimi željami, Dharmaling Slovenija ____________________________ Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling E-mail: office @ dharmaling.org Spletna Stran: http://www.dharmaling.org Te novice ste prejeli, ker ste se nanje naročili. Kadar koli se lahko odjavite tako, da svoj e-naslov vnesete v obrazec za odjavo v desnem stolpcu na naši spletni strani. ==================== ENGLISH VERSION ==================== Dear Dharma friends, many greetings! * PRACTICES * The monthly calendar is available here: http://www.dharmaling.org/forums/index.php?app=calendar If not specified differently, all teachings and practices are at the Dharmaling Buddhist Centre of Ljubljana, Pavšičeva 41. Meditations and teachings are open to all. For Purification practices and practices of individual Buddhas you need to have taken Refuge. For Lama Chöpa you need approval from the Abbot. - TUESDAY, 4 December - 18:00 - 19:00 = Meditation - mental quietness (Vipassana & Shine) - THURSDAY, 6 December - 18:00 - 18:30 = Meditation - mental quietness (Vipassana & Shine) 18:30 - 19:00 = Chenrezig Practice - SATURDAY, 8 December - 10:00 - 16:30 = Heart Sutra recitation (to remove obstacles for the activities of Shenpen Rinpoche) 17:00 - 18:30 = Lama Chöpa & Tsog Contact: +386 (0)40 125 512. All the best, Dharmaling Slovenia ____________________________ Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling E-mail: office @ dharmaling.org Web Site: http://www.dharmaling.org You received this newsletter because you subscribed to it.If you wish to unsubscibe, you can do so any time: just visit the Dharmaling web site and fill up the unsubcribe field on the right side of the web site. |
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