Obisk Gešeja Khedrupa / Visit of Geshe Khedrup

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===== English version below =====

Dragi Darma prijatelji, lepo pozdravljeni!

Z veseljem napovedujemo obisk Lharampa Gešeja Thuptena Khedupa, ki bo v našem Centru v Ljubljani od 6. do 18. julija.

Nekateri ga že poznate od časa njegovih prejšnjih obiskov leta 2004 in 2008. Geše la je svoj naziv Lharampa Geše pridobil na samostanski univerzi Sera Je, zdaj pa dela kot predavatelj Bhot Bhout Dharshan (budistične filozofije) na institutu Central Institute of Himalayan Culture Studies (CIHCS), Dahung, West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh.

Okvirni program:
8. julij, 18:00 = učenje “Kako pravilno meditirati”
10. julij 18:00 = Predanost Guruju
11. julij 18:00 = Obred Zatočišča
12. julij 18:00 = Iniciacija Mandžušrija
13. julij 16:00 = Iniciacija Zelene Tare
14. julij 14:00 = učenje “Šest vzrokov za eno posledico (razvijanje Bodičite)
            16:00 = Iniciacija Čenreziga
15. julij 18:00 = Iniciacija Medicinskega Bude (Sangye Menla)

Ovirni prispevek za vsak dogodek: 12 eur (če si tega ne morete privoščiti, vas prosimo, da nas na to opozorite in našli bomo rešitev).

Kontakt: 040 125 512

Z najboljšimi željami,
Dharmaling Slovenija
Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling
E-mail: office @
Spletna Stran:

Te novice ste prejeli, ker ste se nanje naročili. Kadar koli se lahko odjavite tako, da svoj e-naslov vnesete v obrazec za odjavo v desnem stolpcu na naši spletni strani.

==================== ENGLISH VERSION ====================

Dear Dharma friends, many greetings!

We are happy to announce the visit of Lharampa Geshe Thupten Khedup, who will be at our Centre in Ljubljana between July 6 and July 18.

Some of you already know him from his previous visits in 2004 and 2008. Geshe la attained his Lharampa Geshe degree at the Sera Je Monastic University and is currently working as Bhot Bhout Dharshan lecturer at the Central Institute of Himalayan Culture Studies (CIHCS), Dahung, West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh.

Planned programme:
8. July, 18:00 = Teaching “How to meditate properly”
10. July, 18:00 = Teaching “Guru devotion”
11. July, 18:00 = Refuge Ceremony
12. July, 18:00 = Initiation of Manjushri
13. July, 16:00 = Green Tara Initiation 2
14. July, 14:00 = Teaching “6 causes for 1 effect”
               16:00 = Initiation of Chenrezig
15. July, 18:00 = Medicine Buddha Initiation (Sangye Menla)

Envisaged donation for each event: 12 eur (if this presents a problem to you, please let us know and we will find a solution).

Contact: +386 (0)40 125 512.

All the best, Dharmaling Slovenia

Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling
E-mail: office @
Web Site:

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