Nujna situacija v zvezi s Templjem v Ljubljani / Emergency situation about the Temple in Ljubljana

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===== English version will be below =====
Dragi vsi,

Radi bi vas obvestili o kritični situaciji Templja Dharmaling v Ljubljani. Dosegli smo mejo finančnih zmožnosti, in če ne najdemo rešitve, je Tempelj lahko v 40 dneh prodan na javni dražbi s strani banke in sodišča!

Sedaj poskušamo oglaševati prodajo po vsej Evropi. Vendar moramo banki plačevati mesečne obroke, da ne proda Templja, ali še huje, da na sodišču ne zahteva prodaje na javni dražbi.

Ker imamo redne aktivnosti, nameravamo z njimi seveda nadaljevati. Potem ko bo hiša na Melikovi 1 prodana, bomo najeli manjše prostore. Vendar če hišo lahko prodamo sami, bi lahko s prodajo pridobili finančno rezervo. Če hišo proda banka, jo bo prodala po najnižji ceni, da pokrije svoje stroške, ne naših.
Obrok je 2.800 EUR na mesec. Z vsakim plačilom obroka pridobimo en mesec, da hišo prodamo sami.

Zato poskušamo:
1. zbrati 2800 EUR, da bi se izognili prodaji s strani banke v prihodnjih dneh
2. zbrati čim več obrokov za prihodnje mesece, kolikor je možno
3. razširiti oglas za prodajo hiše, da bi jo prodali sami
povezava do oglasa:
4. morda ima kdo, ki ga poznamo, v mislih kak Bed&Breakfast projekt? Ali kak drug projekt, ki bi potreboval takšne prostore. Delite informacijo naprej.

Kot lahko razumete, gre za vprašanje dni, ne več mesecev. Gre za naš Tempelj in našo finančno prihodnost.

Hvala za razumevanje.
Lama Shenpen Rinpoče, Predstojnik kongregacije Dharmaling
Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling
E-mail: office @
Spletna Stran:

Te novice ste prejeli, ker ste se nanje naročili. Kadar koli se lahko odjavite tako, da svoj e-naslov vnesete v obrazec za odjavo v desnem stolpcu na naši spletni strani.

==================== ENGLISH VERSION ====================
Dear all,

We would like to inform you about the critical situation of the Dharmaling Temple, in Ljubljana.
We have reached the limit regarding financial possibilities, and if we do not find a solution, the Temple could be sold in auction within 40 days by the bank and court!

We are trying to advertise the selling now all over Europe. But we do need to pay the monthly installments for the bank not to sell it on their own, or, worst, bring a Court action to sell in auction.

As we do have regular activities, we do intend of course to go on with them, we will be renting a smaller place after Melikova 1 will be sold. Yet, if we can sell the house on our own, we could have a financial reserve out of it. If bank sell, it will be at minima, covering their cost, not ours.
The installment is of 2800 euros per month. Each installment gives us one month more to sell on our own.

Thus, we are currently searching:
1. to collect 2800 euros to avoid the selling by the bank in coming days.
2. to collect as many installments as possible for the coming months.
3. to spread the add regarding the selling of the house, to sell it on our own.
Link to the add:
4. And may be someone around us would have a Bed&Breakfast project in mind? Or other project requiring such premise. Do spread the information.

As you understand, it's a matter of days, not months anymore. It's about our Temple and about our financial future.

Thank you for your understanding,
Lama Shenpen Rinpoche, Abbot of Dharmaling

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Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling
E-mail: office @
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