Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program

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===== English version will be below =====

Dragi Darma prijatelji, lepo pozdravljeni!

Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling se želi jasno distancirati od vsake povezanosti z aktivnostmi ge. Maše Gedrih, ki je po naših informacijah spremenila ime v Tenzin Wangmo, poznane tudi kot Ani Wangmo, državljanke Slovenije.

To je prvi (in edini) član Dharmalinga, ki je bil kadar koli izključen iz kongregacije. Januarja 2016 je bila najprej izključena za tri mesece, z možnostjo premisleka o naši odločitvi. Vendar je zaradi njenih dejanj - in kljub več poskusom z naše strani, da bi doumela težo svojih dejanj - izključitev postala trajna. Naj dodamo, da je bila izključena kot članica, nismo pa ji prepovedali udeleževanja naših aktivnosti.

Razlogi za ta korak so bili njeno obnašanje, ki je v nasprotju z etičnimi vrednotami, kot jih podpira naša kongregacija, in tudi jasne kršitve določenih pravil Darme. Zelo kmalu potem, ko je bila izključena, se je omenjena odločila vložiti tožbo proti Lami Shenpenu Rinpočeju, brez kakršnega koli predhodnega poziva, da bi se pogovorila o zadevi na miren način. S tožbo zahteva vračilo določene vsote, ki jo je prostovoljno in z navdušenjem dala kot posojilo leta 2011 na lastno pobudo. Ga. Tenzin Wangmo se je potem prostovoljno vključila v pravno gonjo proti Rinpočeju, širila različne govorice v tem procesu in torej združila moči z ljudmi, ki poskušajo škodovati Rinpočeju in budizmu v Sloveniji. Poleg tega zatrjuje, da je posvečena že 12 let, čeprav je dejansko nunsko posvetitev kot novicka prejela leta 2014 (3 leta). Vse to je seveda v celoti dokumentirano (v elektronskih sporočilih, objavah na Facebooku in v drugi dokumentaciji) in je torej daleč od obrekovanja ali blatenja, gre zgolj za dejstva.
Polege tega, da je takšno dejanje povsem nesprejemljivo, je tudi škodljivo za Darmo in zelo žalostno za nekoga, ki se je odločil nastopati kot redovnik.

Dobili smo informacijo, da Tenzin Wangmo sedaj predava tudi o globokih temah, kot so Praznina in budistične Tantre, vendar pa, upoštevaje vsa dejstva in njeno obnašanje ter to, da za to - kolikor nam je znano - nima dovoljenja od kakršnega koli priznanega Mojstra, ni kvalificirana, da bi to lahko učila.
Poleg tega je za ta predavanja določena vstopnina, medtem ko Dharmaling nikoli ni želel zaračunavati za Darmo. Zato želimo, da vsi razumejo, da njene aktivnosti nikakor niso povezane z aktivnostmi Budistične kongregacije Dharmaling.

Dodati moramo tudi, da nimamo popolnoma nobene zveze z ameriško organizacijo, ki se predstavlja kot nekakšna budistična univerza pod imenom SICGU, in z njenim voditeljem, poznanim pod imenom Jampa Kunchok Pryor. Slednji Tenzin Wangmo podpira in jo spodbuja v njenih dejanjih, in tudi sam je poskušal pridobiti nekatere informacije proti Lami Shenpenu Rinpočeju, Dharmalingu pa je grozil z javno vojno, če bi govorili kaj negativnega o njem (česar nikoli nismo, niti nismo imeli namena tako ravnati).

Zato bi radi razjasnili, da NI več povezana z Dharmalingom ter nikjer in v nobenih okoliščinah ne more predstavljati Dharmalinga - vendar jo ohranjamo v našem polju sočutja in iskreno želimo, da nekoč najde pot iz teh zablod in preneha z ravnanjem, ki škoduje predvsem njej.

V Dharmalingu redno prosimo za nasvete avtentične Učitelje Mahajane, in tako smo kontaktirali tudi znanega Lamo, ki bere iz zrcala (melong), z vprašanjem, kako pomagati par učencem, ki so se obrnili proti svojemu Lami; podal je jasen odgovor, da je dobro darovati prakso Samajavadžre, da bi jim pomagali popraviti prekršeno Samajo. Priporočeno je tudi recitiranje molitve za dolgo življenje, še posebno glede na zdravstveno stanje Shenpena Rinpočeja.

Prosimo, da jo ohranite v svojem polju sočutja in v svojih molitvah. Za informacije nas lahko pokličete na 040 125 512.

Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling

Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling
E-mail: office @ dharmaling.org
Spletna Stran: http://www.dharmaling.org

Te novice ste prejeli, ker ste se nanje naročili. Kadar koli se lahko odjavite tako, da svoj e-naslov vnesete v obrazec za odjavo v desnem stolpcu na naši spletni strani.

==================== ENGLISH VERSION ====================

Dear Dharma friends, many greetings!

The Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling wishes to dissociate itself clearly from the activities of Ms. Maša Gedrih, who to our information legally changed her name to Tenzin Wangmo, also known as Ani Wangmo, of Slovene citizenship.

She was the first (and only) member of Dharmaling who was ever expelled from the Congregation. In January 2016, she was first expelled for three months, with the option to reconsider our decision. But given her actions – and despite our attempts to make her understand the weight of her actions – the ban was made permanent. She was excluded as a member, not from attending our activities.

The reasons for this step were her behaviour, which is contrary to the ethical values promoted by our Congregation, and also clear breaches of some Dharma rules. Very soon after being expelled, this person decided to launch a lawsuit against Lama Shenpen Rinpoche, without any prior letter to discuss the matter amicably, requesting the return of some money she voluntarily and enthusiastically gave as a loan in 2011, following her own initiative. Ms. Tenzin Wangmo then voluntarily got involved in the legal crusade against Rinpoche, spreading various gossips in the process and consequently joining forces with people trying to cause damage to Rinpoche and Buddhism in Slovenia. She also claims that she has been ordained for 12 years, though she was really ordained as a novice nun in 2014 (3 years). Of course, all this is fully documented (from emails, Facebook posts, and other documentation), so it is far from any gossip or slander, just facts.
Such behaviour, besides being completely unacceptable, is damageable to Dharma and very sad for someone who engaged in the appearance of an ordained person.

We have been informed that Tenzin Wangmo is now giving some lectures about profound topics such as Emptiness and Buddhist Tantras, which, by all facts and behaviour as well as - as far as we know - by the absence of authorization from any renowned Master, she is not qualified to teach about.
Furthermore, such lectures are given with a defined fee, whereas Dharmaling never wanted to charge money for Dharma. This is the reason that we wish everybody to understand that her activities are in no connection whatsoever with the activities of the Dharmaling Buddhist Congregation.

We need to add as well that we have absolutely nothing to do with an American association, which presents themselves as a kind of Buddhist university under the name SICGU, and its leader known as Jampa Kunchok Pryor. The latter supports and encourages Tenzin Wangmo in her actions, he attempted to obtain some information against Lama Shenpen Rinpoche, and threatened Dharmaling with public war, would we gossip against him (which we never did nor had the intent to).

Therefore we would like to clarify that she is NOT anymore connected with Dharmaling, and cannot represent Dharmaling anywhere and in any circumstance – although we do keep her in our field of compassion and sincerely hope she will come out of this disturbance one day and stop the behaviour which is harming her most of all.

Dharmaling regularly asks for advice and keeps the instructions of authentic Mahayana Teachers, and also contacted a renown Lama melong-reader, asking how to help the handful of disciples who turned against their Lama and he clearly advised to offer Samayavajra practice in order to help them repair their broken Samaya. Reciting long-life prayer is also advised, especially regarding Shenpen Rinpoche's health condition.

Please keep her in your field of compassion and your prayers. For any information, you can call us at: +386 40 125 512.

Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling

Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling
E-mail: office @ dharmaling.org
Web Site: http://www.dharmaling.org

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