... | * DHARMALING Newsletter * | ... |
===== English version below =====
Dragi Darma prijatelji, lepo pozdravljeni! - PONEDELJEK, 1. april - 21:00 - 22:30 = Čaščenje 21 Tar Naš cilj je zbrati 100.000 Hvalnic. Svoje zbrane molitve nam lahko sporočite po elektronski pošti, telefonu ... - ČETRTEK, 4. april - 21:00 - 22:30 = Praksa Vadžrajogini in Tsog Dan Dakini. Pogoj: iniciacija Vadžrajogini. - PONEDELJEK, 8. april - Sončev mrk (ob 20:17 CEST) Na ta dan je priporočljivo recitirati molitev Kuntuzangpo. Mi bomo to storili med sončnim mrkom, vse pa vabimo, da storite enako :) - NEDELJA, 14. april - 18:00 - 19:00 = Dharma čaj z Rinpočejem - PONEDELJEK, 15. april - 21:00 - 22:30 = Čaščenje 21 Tar Naš cilj je zbrati 100.000 Hvalnic. Svoje zbrane molitve nam lahko sporočite po elektronski pošti, telefonu ... - ČETRTEK, 18. april - 21:00 - 22:30 = Lama Čöpa & Tsog - NEDELJA, 21. april - 18:00 - 19:00 = Dharma čaj z Rinpočejem - PONEDELJEK, 22. april - 21:00 - 22:30 = Čaščenje 21 Tar Naš cilj je zbrati 100.000 Hvalnic. Svoje zbrane molitve nam lahko sporočite po elektronski pošti, telefonu ... - TOREK, 23. april - 21:30 - Sončni vzhod = Noč Čaščenja Tar Praksa Čaščenja 21 Tar je namenjena odstranjevanju vseh vrst ovir. Praksa se bo začela zvečer ob 21.30 in bo trajala celo noč do sončnega vzhoda. Ker bomo izkoristili čas polne lune, ko so energije še posebej močne, vas vabimo, da se nam pridružite. Lahko se udeležite celotne prakse, lahko pa se nam pridružite tudi samo za nekaj časa. - ČETRTEK, 25. april - 19:00 - 19:45 = Sitatapatra and Dharani Extremely Conquering from Bondage - NEDELJA, 28. april - 18:00 - 19:00 = Dharma čaj z Rinpočejem - PONEDELJEK, 29. april - 21:00 - 22:30 = Čaščenje 21 Tar Naš cilj je zbrati 100.000 Hvalnic. Svoje zbrane molitve nam lahko sporočite po elektronski pošti, telefonu ... Kontakt: 040 125 512 Z najboljšimi željami, Dharmaling Slovenija ____________________________ Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling E-mail: office @ dharmaling.org Spletna Stran: http://www.dharmaling.org Te novice ste prejeli, ker ste se nanje naročili. Kadar koli se lahko odjavite tako, da svoj e-naslov vnesete v obrazec za odjavo v desnem stolpcu na naši spletni strani. ==================== ENGLISH VERSION ==================== Dear Dharma friends, many greetings! - MONDAY, 1 April - 21:00 - 22:30 = Praises to 21 Taras Our goal is to collect 100,000 Praises. Please send your numbers to us by e-mail, phone, etc. - THURSDAY, 4 April - 21:00 - 22:30 = Vajrayogini practice with Tsog Dakini day. Requirement: Vajrayogini empowerment. - MONDAY, 8 April - Solar Eclipse (at 20:17 CEST) It is advised to recite Kuntuzangpo Prayer. We will be reciting it during the time of the eclipse. We invite you to do the same :-) - SUNDAY, 14 April - 18:00 - 19:00 = Dharma tea with Rinpoche - MONDAY, 15 April - 21:00 - 22:30 = Praises to 21 Taras Our goal is to collect 100,000 Praises. Please send your numbers to us by e-mail, phone, etc. - THURSDAY, 18 April - 21:00 - 22:30 = Lama Chöpa & Tsog - SUNDAY, 21 April - 18:00 - 19:00 = Dharma tea with Rinpoche - MONDAY, 22 April - 21:00 - 22:30 = Praises to 21 Taras Our goal is to collect 100,000 Praises. Please send your numbers to us by e-mail, phone, etc. - TUESDAY, 23 April - 21:30 - Sunrise = Praises to Tara Night The recitation of the long Praises to 21 Taras is aimed at removing all kinds of obstacles. The practice will begin at 9:30 PM and will continue throughout the night until sunrise. Due to the effect of full moon, energies are particularly multiplied, so we invite you to join us. You are welcome participate in the whole practice, or join us just for some time. - THURSDAY, 25 April - 19:00 - 19:45 = Sitatapatra and Dharani Extremely Conquering from Bondage - SUNDAY, 28 April - 18:00 - 19:00 = Dharma tea with Rinpoche - MONDAY, 29 April - 21:00 - 22:30 = Praises to 21 Taras Our goal is to collect 100,000 Praises. Please send your numbers to us by e-mail, phone, etc. Contact: +386 (0)40 125 512. All the best, Dharmaling Slovenia ____________________________ Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling E-mail: office @ dharmaling.org Web Site: http://www.dharmaling.org You received this newsletter because you subscribed to it.If you wish to unsubscibe, you can do so any time: just visit the Dharmaling web site and fill up the unsubcribe field on the right side of the web site. |
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