Main Newsletter of Dharmaling's activities. In English and Slovene languages Pojdi Ponastavitev Datum pošiljanja Predmet Ustvarjeno dne ID-ju Asc Desc Učenje v nedeljo in prakse / Teaching on Sunday and practicesSent on 16 September 2020 Učenje v petek in nedeljo ter prakse / Teaching on Friday and Sunday and practicesSent on 06 September 2020 Učenje in prakse / Teaching and practicesSent on 30 Avgust 2020 Dve učenji in dve praksi / Two teachings & two practice sessionsSent on 25 Avgust 2020 Ta teden samo učenje v nedeljo / This week only the teaching on SundaySent on 17 Avgust 2020 Učenja ta teden / Teachings this weekSent on 11 Avgust 2020 Prakse ta teden / Practices this weekSent on 11 Avgust 2020 Meditacije, Lama Čöpa in učenje / Meditations, Lama Chöpa & TeachingSent on 03 Avgust 2020 Jutri - Darma čaj ob petih / Tomorrow - 5'o clock Dharma teaSent on 30 Julij 2020 Učenje in prakse / Teaching and practicesSent on 27 Julij 2020 Čokor Dučen, učenje, redne prakse / Chökhor Duchen, teaching. regular practicesSent on 19 Julij 2020 Dve učenji in prakse / Two teachings and practicesSent on 12 Julij 2020 Rojstni dan Nj. svetosti, dve učenji in prakse / Birthday of His Holiness, two teachings and practicesSent on 05 Julij 2020 Dve učenji in prakse / Two teachings and practicesSent on 29 Junij 2020 Naslednji teden: dve učenji in redne prakse / Next week: two teachings and regular practicesSent on 20 Junij 2020 Jutri začenjamo nov cikel učenj / Tomorrow we start a new cycle of teachingsSent on 20 Junij 2020 Učenja in prakse / Teachings and practicesSent on 14 Junij 2020 Dve učenji in redne prakse / Two teachings and regular practicesSent on 07 Junij 2020 Saka DawaSent on 04 Junij 2020 Redni program, dve učenji in Saka Dawa / Regular programme, two teachings and Saka DawaSent on 02 Junij 2020