Main Newsletter of Dharmaling's activities. In English and Slovene languages Pojdi Ponastavitev Datum pošiljanja Predmet Ustvarjeno dne ID-ju Asc Desc Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 27.7.2015 - 2.8.2015Sent on 26 Julij 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 20.7.2015 - 26.7.2015Sent on 19 Julij 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 13.7.2015 - 19.7.2015Sent on 12 Julij 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 6.7.2015 - 12.7.2015Sent on 05 Julij 2015 Dharmaling - poletni seminar / summer seminarSent on 03 Julij 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 29.6.2015 - 5.7.2015Sent on 28 Junij 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 22.6.2015 - 28.6.2015Sent on 21 Junij 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 15.6.2015 - 21.6.2015Sent on 14 Junij 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 8.6.2015 - 14.6.2015Sent on 07 Junij 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 1.6.2015 - 7.6.2015Sent on 31 Maj 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 25.5.2015 - 31.5.2015Sent on 24 Maj 2015 Turneja menihov iz samostana Sera Jey / Sera Jey Monks' TourSent on 18 Maj 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 17.5.2015 - 24.5.2015Sent on 17 Maj 2015 Nujna situacija v zvezi s Templjem v Ljubljani / Emergency situation about the Temple in LjubljanaSent on 17 Maj 2015 Sprememba programa / Change in the programSent on 11 Maj 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 11.5.2015 - 17.5.2015Sent on 10 Maj 2015 Rinpočejevo zdravstveno stanje / Rinpoche's health situationSent on 08 Maj 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 4.5.2015 - 10.5.2015Sent on 03 Maj 2015 Potres v Nepalu / Earthquake in NepalSent on 27 April 2015 Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 27.4.2015 - 3.5.2015Sent on 26 April 2015