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... | * DHARMALING Newsletter * | ... |
===== English version below =====
Dragi Darma prijatelji, lepo pozdravljeni! Ta petek, 23. februarja 2024, organiziramo skupinsko prakso Čaščenja 21 Tar, namenjeno odstranjevanju vseh vrst ovir. Praksa se bo začela v petek zvečer ob 21.30 in bo trajala celo noč do zore v soboto. Ker gre za čas, ko so vse energije še posebej pomnožene, saj se v soboto z Dnevom Čudežev zaključuje prvih 15 dni lunarnega novega leta, vas vabimo, da se nam pridružite v našem templju ali preko Zooma. Za prevoz pokličite. Z najboljšimi željami, Dharmaling Slovenija ____________________________ Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling E-mail: slovenia @ dharmaling.org Spletna Stran: http://www.dharmaling.org Te novice ste prejeli, ker ste se nanje naročili. Kadar koli se lahko odjavite tako, da svoj e-naslov vnesete v obrazec za odjavo v desnem stolpcu na naši spletni strani. ==================== ENGLISH VERSION ==================== Dear Dharma friends, many greetings! This Friday, February 23, 2024, we are organizing a group practice of reciting the long Praises to 21 Taras, aimed at removing all kinds of obstacles. The practice will begin on Friday evening at 9:30 PM and will last the entire night until dawn on Saturday. This is a time when all energies are particularly multiplied, with Saturday being the Day of Miracles marking the end of the first 15 days of the lunar new year. Thus, we invite you to join us in our temple or via Zoom. For transportation, please call. All the best, Dharmaling Slovenia ____________________________ Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling E-mail: slovenia @ dharmaling.org Web Site: http://www.dharmaling.org You received this newsletter because you subscribed to it.If you wish to unsubscibe, you can do so any time: just visit the Dharmaling web site and fill up the unsubcribe field on the right side of the web site. |
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