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New video Teaching uploaded on Dharmaling YouTube channel: Lama Shenpen Rinpoche - The two truths, karma, and daily life
There will be a Teaching and QA this Friday and Saturday. Welcome!
- FRIDAY, 1 February -
17:30 - 18:30 = Teaching: "The two truths, karma, and daily life"
As Shenpen Rinpoche is abroad, the teaching will take place via video conference. In English with Slovene translation.
- SATURDAY, 2 February -
17:30 - 18:30 = Questions and Answers with Shenpen Rinpoche
As Shenpen Rinpoche is abroad, the teaching will take place via video conference. In English for practical reasons.
The Ngari Khangtsen monks from the Sera Monastery in South India will be touring Europe one more time from 22 September to 17 December, sharing their their unique culture and their Buddhist activities. We are happy to announce that they will come also to Slovenia in November.
More on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/events/179782662941558/ and here https://www.facebook.com/events/272872030006494/
Gomo Tulku will challenge our everyday thought processes which negatively impact us and our surrounding through subtle yet consistent, destructive habits. Particulary he will cover, for this year, the topic of Judgement.
Gomo Tulku bo pod vprašaj postavil naše vsakdanje miselne procese, ki v obliki subtilnih, a vztrajnih destruktivnih navad negativno vplivajo na nas in na tiste okoli nas. Letos se bo še posebej posvetil temi obsojanja.
Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/683438665352460/
We are happy to inform that Gomo Tulku Rinpoche will soon come to Ljubljana to give precious teachings. The lecture will take place in Dharmaling Buddhist Center in Pavsiceva 41 in Ljubljana on 12th October at 6 p.m. Please register at the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +386 40 125 512. Recommended donation: 10 euro.
Z veseljem vas obveščamo, da bo v Ljubljano kmalu prišel Gomo Tulku Rinpoče, ki bo podelil dragocena učenja. Predavanje bo 12. oktobra ob 18. uri v centru Budistične kongregacije Dharmaling na Pavšičevi 41 v Ljubljani. Zaželena je registracija na 040 125 512 ali na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Priporočena donacija je 10 €.
Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1634084526703532/
See also https://www.facebook.com/Gomo-Tulku-MBA-Tour-749246745247656/
As we have already written, in October 2017 a melong from Tibet seriously warned us that Rinpoche's life is in danger. He recommended several things to do, amongst them that Shenpen Rinpoche's students recite 100 million Vajrasattva mantras. You can read more details about the melong's warning in this Facebook post. Following the advice of the melong, many students of Shenpen Rinpoche started to recite the Vajrasattva mantra.
We are very happy to report that the whole monastery of Kharnang (Shenpen Rinpoche's monastery in Tibet) have joined the recitation of Vajrasattva mantras for the health and wellbeing of Shenpen Rinpoche. So this is most auspicious.
Here are some photos of the monks in Kharnang monastery...
New video teaching by Shenphen Rinpoche added:
The Bodhisattva Way of Life, chapter 1: The Benefits of Awakening Mind
You can find the video in the "Videos" section, under the category "Full Teachings in English 2015".
New video teaching by Shenphen Rinpoche added:
Shine Meditation
You can find the video in the "Videos" section, under the category "Full Teachings in English 2015".
New video teaching by Shenphen Rinpoche added:
Lojong, Eight Verses of Thought Transformation
You can find the video in the "Videos" section, under the category "Full Teachings in English 2015".