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Term Definition

(skt.: bodhisattva; tib.: jang chub sem pa) Literally means being (sattva) of Enlightenment (bodhi). It refers to a Mahayana practitioner who has developed Bodhichitta, the aspiration to attain Enlightenment, in order to benefit all sentient beings. There are two types of Bodhisattvas: aspiring Bodhisattvas and realized Bodhisattvas. A practitioner becomes a realized Bodhisattva when he reaches the path of seeing i.e. the first bhumi. Driven by Bodhichitta and having realized Emptiness, a Bodhisattva devotes his entire life to reaching Enlightenment, for the sake of benefiting every single sentient being.


Words of Wisdom

"Sometimes, to gain ground you need to slow down."
- Lama Shenphen Rinpoche

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