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Term Definition
Eight stages of dying

The process of dying is following the process of disintegration of the five elements and the 72000 energy channels (tsa) that sustain a human body. It is basically a reverse process of the time since conception till the full establishment of the body.

Eight worldly dharmas
skt.: ashtau lokadharmah; tib.: jig ten gyi cho gye) Sometimes translated as eight worldly concerns or eight worldly thoughts. These concenrs are lower motivations that interfere with our practice of Dharma. There are four pairs:
1. (skt.: labha; tib.: nyed pa) (desire for) gain and 2. (skt.: alabha; tib.: ma nyed pa) (fear of) loss:
3. (skt.: sukha; tib.: de wa) (desire for) pleasure/happiness/comfort and 4. (skt.: dukkha; tib.: dug ngel) (fear of) pain/unhappiness/suffering
5. (skt.: ayashas; tib.: nyen drag) (desire for) fame and 6. (skt.: yashas; tib.: ma drag) (fear of) notoriety/disgrace:
7. (skt.: prashamsa; tib.: tu pa) (desire for) praise/approval and 8. (skt.: ninda; tib.: me pa) (fear of) blame/criticism/disapproval
Eightfold path

(skt.: arya ashtangika marga; tib.: phag lam yen lag gye) The fourth of the Four noble truths.


(skt.: abhisheka; tib.: wang) Wang, usually translated as empowerment, is a complex tantric ritual based on a mandala of a deity which confers the power and ability to engage in certain meditative practices for achieving enlightenment, and thus becoming a Buddha, in order to benefit others as fully as possible. An empowerment also plants new seeds, or potentials.


(skt.: shunyata; tib.: tong pa nyi) Emptiness (sometimes also translated as voidness) is a Buddhist idea which states that all phenomena are empty of any kind of self existence or inherent existence. Emptiness is the reality of the existence of ourselves and all the phenomena around us.

(skt: bodhi; tib.: jang chub) Awakening; Buddhahood. The ultimate goal of Buddhist practice, attained when all limitations have been removed from the mind and all ones positive potential has been realized. It is a state characterized by unlimited compassion, skill, and wisdom (omniscience). There are three types of Enlightenment, though the first two are not real Enlightenment, but only Nirvana:
1. Hinayana Enlightenment (Nirvana) of the Listeneres
2. Hinayana Enlightnement (Nirvana) of the Self Made Buddhas
3. Mahayana Enlightenment, which is the highest

(skt.: upeksha; tib.: tang nyom) Attitude without the usual discrimination of sentient beings into friend, enemy and stranger, deriving from the realization that all sentient beings are equal in wanting happiness and not wanting suffering and that since beginningless time all beings have equally been ones mother in some previous life. An impartial mind that serves as the basis for the development of great love, great compassion and bodhicitta. This type of mind is characterized as an even-tempered attitude toward everyone, it manifests as a quieting of attachment and ill-will toward others. It fails when it manifests as indifference.


Words of Wisdom

"Support beings with your whole nature and protect them like your own body. Indifference towards beings must be avoided like poison!"
- Nagarjuna

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