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Four noble truths

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Term Definition
Four noble truths
(skt.: cattari ariya saccani; tib.: phag pe den pa shi) First sermon taught by the Buddha Shakyamuni in Deer Park, at Sarnath, India. The four noble truths are: 
1. (skt.: dukkha ariya sacca; tib.: dug ngel den pa) the truth of suffering, which means that all existence is suffering.
2. (skt.: dukkha samudayo ariya sacca; tib.: kun jung den pa) the truth of causes of suffering, which means that suffering is caused by desire.
3. (skt.: dukkha nirodho ariya sacca; tib.: gog pe den pa) the truth of the cessation of suffering, which means that the eradication of desire brings about the cessation of suffering and enables one to attain nirvana.
4. (skt.: dukkha nirodha gamini patipada ariya sacca; tib.: lam gyi den pa) the truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering, which means that there is a path by which this eradication can be achieved, namely, the discipline of the eightfold path.


Words of Wisdom

"I am never far from those with faith, or even from those without it, though they do not see me. My children will always, always, be protected by my compassion."
- Padmasambhava

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