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Full Teachings in English 2015

The Bodhisattva Way of Life, chapter 1: The Benefits of Awakening Mind

Shine Meditation

Lojong, Eight Verses of Thought Transformation



Full Teachings in English

Mahamudra, part 1

Mahamudra, part 2

Right motivation - Endless energy

Living in noise - practicing in silence

Taking Control Over Our Life

The Inner Buddha Nature in Action

From Sutra to Tantra

The Eightfold Path

Managing Stress

New Year, New Beginning

Steady practice, life changing result

Vajrayana Path



Full Teachings in English with Slovene translation

Mind Revolution

Compassion in Action

Death, Bardo and Rebirth

Mind and Mental Factors 1

Mind and Mental Factors 2

Mind and Mental Factors 3

Mind and Mental Factors 4

Mind and Mental Factors 5


Four contemplations that change the mind

Taking Control Over Our Life

Right Motivation - Endless Energy

Living in noise - practicing in silence

The inner Buddha nature in action

Four Noble Truths

From Sutra to Tantra

Six Perfections

The Eightfold Path

Managing Stress

New Year, New Beginning

Steady practice, life changing result

Mental Quietness



Who is a Bodhisattva and what is Bodhichitta

Six perfections

How we take illusions as real

How we create karma

Conventional & ultimate reality

Three possible motivations on the Path

Overview of six basic disturbing factors

The eight branch path

Sutrayana and Tantrayana

How to make a positive change for environment

How and why to raise ecological awareness

Laziness as one of the most common obstacles

How to deal with lack of self confidence

Pride and problems it creates

How attachment and aversion disturb our minds

About doubt in ourselves or in the Path

Lack of awareness

Our mind can be our best friend or worst enemy

Difficulties when studying scriptures

Common faults when we study

The fault of turning away from Mahayana due to discouragement

Reciting a sutra or performing a puja just to gain respect or money

Some mistakes that can occur during Dharma activities

Importance of preliminaries before the practice

How grasping at phenomena disturbs our minds

Buddha nature, clear and all-knowing

Look at all phenomena as illusions

Do not separate spiritual and daily life

This reality, dream reality

Tilopa's Six Words of Advice, part 1

Tilopa's Six Words of Advice, part 2

Tilopa's Six Words of Advice, part 3

Tilopa's Six Words of Advice, part 4

Tilopa's Six Words of Advice, part 5

The importance of ethical values

Be conscious of what is going on in your mind

Kindness, a good heart

Develop regret, leave guilt aside

Dedicate all good for the others

Daily motivation for the times to come

Motivation and mind in every day

Maintaining compassion and calm in daily life

Importance of Guru devotion

Evaluating our spiritual development


Words of Wisdom

"There is nothing whatsoever that does not grow easier with practice."
- Shantideva

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