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Term Definition
(skt: bodhi; tib.: jang chub) Awakening; Buddhahood. The ultimate goal of Buddhist practice, attained when all limitations have been removed from the mind and all ones positive potential has been realized. It is a state characterized by unlimited compassion, skill, and wisdom (omniscience). There are three types of Enlightenment, though the first two are not real Enlightenment, but only Nirvana:
1. Hinayana Enlightenment (Nirvana) of the Listeneres
2. Hinayana Enlightnement (Nirvana) of the Self Made Buddhas
3. Mahayana Enlightenment, which is the highest


Words of Wisdom

"This world we see is a painting born from the brush of discursive thought, and within it or upon it nothing truly existent can be found. All things in samsara and nirvana are but mental labels and projections. Knowing this one knows reality; seeing this one sees most true."
- 2nd Dalai Lama

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