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Tibetan monks in Slovenia

A group of Tibetan monks from Sera Jey monastery are touring Europe and are visiting Slovenia from 21.5.2015 till 28.5.2015. During the visit in Slovenia they will make a sand mandala of Buddha Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara) in Slovene Etnographic Museum in Ljubljana, perform sacred Cham dances in Ljubljana, Koper and Maribor, and in Ljubljana they will also have two workshops: making of the sand mandala, where the visitors will be able to try themselves out in this meditative skill and the workshop of learning about butter sculptures, which are typical for the Tibetan monastic tradition.


Click here for more info

Teaching: A Song of Spiritual Advice

- FRIDAY, 9th January-
17:30 - 19:00 = Teaching: "A Song of Spiritual Advice", 3rd Dalai Lama

As Shenpen Rinpoche is abroad, the teaching will take place via videoconference.

Animal Liberation practice

SATURDAY, 13th September -
9:30 - 11:00 **Animal Liberation practice**
Animal Liberation practice allows us to practice kindness and compassion towards animals: we save them from being killed for food. We buy small animals at a shop, take them to the nature, do a special practice with prayers, good wishes and recitation of mantras, and release them.
Registration required.
Recommended donation, intended for the purchase of the animals to be released: EUR 10 / person.
Starting point: in front of the Dharmaling Buddhist Centre at Melikova 1, Ljubljana at 9:30 a.m. Please bring a camping foam mat, if possible.

Teaching: Three Principles of the Path

- FRIDAY, 28th November-
17:30 - 19:00 = Teaching: Three Principles of the Path

As Shenpen Rinpoche is abroad, the teaching will take place via videoconference.


Words of Wisdom

"To be aware of a single shortcoming in oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in someone else."
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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