Main Newsletter of Dharmaling's activities. In English and Slovene languages Go Reset Send Date Subject Created Date ID Asc Desc Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 29.2.2016 - 6.3.2016Sent on 28 February 2016Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 22.2.2016 - 28.2.2016Sent on 21 February 2016Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 15.2.2016 - 21.2.2016Sent on 14 February 2016Dodatni program za soboto / Additional program for SaturdaySent on 09 February 2016Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 8.2.2016 - 14.2.2016Sent on 07 February 2016Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 1.2.2016 - 7.2.2016Sent on 31 January 2016Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 25.1.2016 - 31.1.2016Sent on 24 January 2016Zimski seminar v Franciji / Winter seminar in FranceSent on 21 January 2016Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 18.1.2016 - 24.1.2016Sent on 17 January 2016Osebni pogovori z Rinpočejem / Personal appointments with RinpocheSent on 12 January 2016Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 11.1.2016 - 17.1.2016Sent on 10 January 2016Osebni pogovori z Rinpočejem / Personal appointments with RinpocheSent on 06 January 2016Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 4.1.2016 - 10.1.2016Sent on 03 January 2016Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 28.12.2015 - 3.1.2016Sent on 27 December 2015Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 21.12.2015 - 27.12.2015Sent on 20 December 2015Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 14.12.2015 - 20.12.2015Sent on 13 December 2015Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 7.12.2015 - 13.12.2015Sent on 06 December 2015Video učenje v ponedeljek / Video teaching on MondaySent on 03 December 2015Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 30.11.2015 - 6.12.2015Sent on 29 November 2015Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 23.11.2015 - 29.11.2015Sent on 22 November 2015