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Main Newsletter of Dharmaling's activities. In English and Slovene languages
Dve učenji! / Two teachings!Sent on 29 April 2020
Učenje / TeachingSent on 06 April 2020
Pomladni seminar / Spring seminar Sent on 28 February 2020
Program za Losar / Losar ProgrammeSent on 22 February 2020
Pomladni seminar / Spring seminarSent on 17 February 2020


Words of Wisdom

"You don't need to obsess over the attainment of future realizations. As long as you act in the present with as much understanding as you possibly can, you'll realize everlasting peace in no time at all."
- Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Copyright 2024  Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling