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Five aggregates

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Term Definition
Five aggregates
(sanskrit: pancha skandha, tib.: pung po nga) Five heaps or five aggregates of a being that come together at birth and seperate at death: 
1. physical body (tib.: zug kyi phung po): not only the body, but also other physical objects;
2. feeling (tib.: tshor we phung po): can be divided in happiness, unhappiness or neutral;
3. distinguishing (tib.: du she kyi phung po): distinguishes the special characteristic feature of an object (shape, color, etc.). For example, in seeing someones face, it distinguishes the shape and color of the face from the shapes and colors of everything around;
4. other factors (tib.: du je kyi phung po): comprises all variables, affecting the experience, that are not included in the other four aggregates like faith, intellect, personality, habits, ...
5. consciousness (tib.: nam she kyi phung po): main mind, the fact that you are aware of things, it is usually divided into awareness of vision, sounds, smells, taste, touch and mind.


Words of Wisdom

"May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes. May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes. May all sentient beings not be separated from sorrowless bliss. May all sentient beings abide in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and anger."
- Buddhist prayer

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