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Four immeasurables | (skt.: apramanani; tib.: tse me shi) Sometimes also called the four limitless thoughts, the four boundless contemplations and sometimes also the four abodes of Brahma, because their cultivation causes rebirth as the king of the gods in the Realm of Form within samsaric existence. Four are called immeasurable because they are thoughts directed at an immeasurable number of beings, and because one gains immeasurable merit from thinking about them.
They are:
1. love (skt.: maitri; tib.: jam pa)
2. compassion (skt.: karuna; tib.: nying je)
3. joy (skt.: mudita; tib.: ga wa)
4. equanimity (skt.: upeksha; tib.: tang nyom)
There is a prayer for Four immeasurables which is often used in various sadhanas, practice texts and each line correspons to one immeasurable (first line - love, second line - compassion, third line - joy, fourth line - equanimity):
May all sentient beings enjoy happiness and the causes of happiness.
May all sentient beings be freed from suffering and the causes of suffering.
May all sentient beings be inseparable from happiness that knows no suffering.
May all sentient beings abide in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion.