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Lam Rim

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Term Definition
Lam Rim

(tib.: lam rim) Usually translated as Graduated Path or Steps of the Path. It is a special set of instructions which is the essence of all that is taught by each and every Buddha, of past, present or future. Lam Rim presents these instructions in a clear, step-like arrangement that makes it easy for any individual practitioner to understand and practice Dharma. The Lam Rim was first formulated by great Indian teacher Atisha when he came to Tibet in 1042 and it was called Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (jang chub lam gyi dron me). Another Lam Rim, probably the most famous one, was written by Je Tsongkhapa and is called The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path (Lam Rim Chen Mo).


Words of Wisdom

"There is nothing whatsoever that does not grow easier with practice."
- Shantideva

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