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Term Definition
(tib.: trul ku) Emanation body. There are three types of Nirmanakaya
1. (tib. : zo ye tul ku) Nirmanakaya of artefacts, for example statues and ot her sacred artefacts that manifest and are venerated as religious obje cts. 
2. (tib. : kye we tul ku) Nirmanakaya of birth, for example those highly evol ved beings who continue to reincarnate for the benefit of others, lik e His Holiness the Dalai Lama
3. (tib. : chul ku tul ku) Absolute Nirmanakaya with all 112 physical signs l ike Lord Buddha Shakyamuni.


Words of Wisdom

"The purpose of meditation is not to reach nirvana and then disappear. If that was the case, it would be better that you manifested as a flower!"
- Lama Yeshe

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