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Term Definition

(skt.: pratyekabuddha; tib.: rang gyel, rang sang gye) Usually translated as Self Made Buddha or Solitarily Enlightened one. It refers to those Hinayana practitioners who, with the motivation of renouncing the Samsara and to achieve permanent happines for themselves, strive to reach Nirvana. They do not rely on a teacher in that lifetime to reach their aim. However, they had been taught by teachers in previous lifetimes. They attain Nirvana mainly through contemplation on the Twelve links of dependant origination in reverse order. 

Despite the name Self Made Buddha, they are not real Buddhas, since they achieve only Nirvana, but not full Buddhahood. They live during dark ages when the teachings of a Buddha are no longer available. They do not study with spiritual teachers, because there are none, and they teach only by gestures, since others are not receptive. Living either singly or in small groups, they must rely on their instincts to learn of the Dharma.


Words of Wisdom

"I hope that you understand what the word 'spiritual' really means. It means to search for – to investigate – the true nature of the mind."
- Lama Yeshe

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