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Term Definition
(tib.: do kyi theg pa) Path of Sutra which is based on the sutras of Buddha Shakyamuni. It is divided in three types:
- The Hearer Vehicle (Shravakayana) - belonging to Hinayana. Practitioners motivation is renunciation of samsara and they strive to reach Nirvana. They do so by listening to the teachings and contemplating them. 
- The Solitary Realizer Vehicle (Pratyekabuddhayana) - belonging to Hinayana. Practitioners motivation is renunciation and they strive to reach Nirvana. They prefer to live in solitary places alone or in small groups and have no teacher in this life (but they had teachers in previous lives). 
- The Perfection Vehicle (Paramitayana) - first of the two Mahayana paths (the second one is Vajrayana or Mantrayana). Practitioners strive to attain Buddhahood to help all beings.


Words of Wisdom

"This world we see is a painting born from the brush of discursive thought, and within it or upon it nothing truly existent can be found. All things in samsara and nirvana are but mental labels and projections. Knowing this one knows reality; seeing this one sees most true."
- 2nd Dalai Lama

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