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Term Definition
(tib.: dra chom pa) Sometimes also called Arhant, Arahat or Arahant; female Arhat is called Arhati. A being who has attained the fifth (and the last) path of no more learning by destroying mental afflictions and dualistic ego grasping. 
There are three types of Arhats: 
1. Hearer Arhat (sravaka arhat) 
2. Solitary-realizer Arhat (pratyekabuddha arhat) 
3. Buddha Arhat (buddha arhat). 
Hearer Arhat and Solitary-realizer Arhat abide in Nirvana and belong to Hinayana, whereas Buddha Arhat does not stay in Nirvana and belongs to Mahayana.


Words of Wisdom

"I am never far from those with faith, or even from those without it, though they do not see me. My children will always, always, be protected by my compassion."
- Padmasambhava

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