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Foe destroyer

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Term Definition
Foe destroyer

(tib.: dra chom pa) Sometimes also called Arhant, Arahat or Arahant; female Arhat is called Arhati. A being who has attained the fifth (and the last) path of no more learning by destroying mental afflictions and dualistic ego grasping. 

There are three types of Arhats: 
1. Hearer Arhat (sravaka arhat) 
2. Solitary-realizer Arhat (pratyekabuddha arhat) 
3. Buddha Arhat (buddha arhat). 
Hearer Arhat and Solitary-realizer Arhat abide in Nirvana and belong to Hinayana, whereas Buddha Arhat does not stay in Nirvana and belongs to Mahayana.


Words of Wisdom

"In daily life be like a child of illusion."
- Lama Shenphen Rinpoche

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