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Term Definition

(skt.: klesha; tib.: nyon mong) Sometimes translated also as disturbing emotion. Mental afflictions are obscurations covering the essentially pure nature of the mind, being thereby responsible for suffering and dissatisfaction. There are six root mental afflictions (attachment, anger, pride, ignorance, doubt and wrong views), which act as the roots of the auxiliary disturbing emotions and attitudes.

A disturbing emotion or attitude is one that when it arises, causes us to lose our peace of mind (tib.: rab tu mi zhi wa) and incapacitates us so that we lose self-control. Sanskrit word for mental afflictions klesha comes from sanskrit word klish, which means to bother or to disturb you.


Words of Wisdom

"Whatever joy there is in this world, all comes from wanting others to be happy. Whatever suffering there is in this world, all comes from wanting oneself to be happy."
- Shantideva

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