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Five paths

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Term Definition
Five paths
(tib.: lam nga) It refers to paths or stages along which beings progress to liberation and enlightenment:
1. path of accumulation (tib.: tsog lam) - we reach it when we realize renunciation and Bodhicitta (the latter in case of Mahayana path of accumulation);
2. path of preparation (tib.: jor lam) - deepening our understanding of reality and emptiness;
3. path of seeing (tib.: tong lam) - see emptiness directly and become Arya;
4. path of meditation (tib.: gom lam) - using insight gained in path of seeing we remove obscurations even further. In case of Mahayana path, we progress from first to tenth bhumi;
5. path of no more learning (tib.: mi lob lam) - achievement of Nirvana (Hinayana path) or Buddhahood (Mahayana path). We become Arhat (Hinayana path) or Buddha (Mahayana path).

There are three different sets of five paths: five paths of Mahayana, five paths of Hinayana hearers and five paths of Hinayana solitary-realizers.


Words of Wisdom

"I have shown you the methods that lead to liberation, but you should know that liberation depends upon yourself."
- Buddha

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